Massage has a number of benefits including: relieving muscular tension, improving circulation and flexibility, enhancing injury recovery, providing greater, rehabilitation post and pre-surgery, as well as relaxing your state of mind. At Healing Harmony we offer a range of massage options:


  1. Consultation
    During the initial consultation, a full health history will be taken. Depending on the presenting condition, specific tests and assessments will be conducted to help evaluate your specific condition, this will occur in the privacy of the consult room. Your practitioner will discuss you’re recommended treatment plan to help address your individual needs and requirements. They will provide an explanation of the areas to be addressed and why.
  2. Therapy
    After the consultation and obtaining permission for treatment, you may be required to remove some items of clothing, this only done with your consent. Your practitioner will leave the room to ensure your privacy and will explain how to drape yourself with towels provided. During your treatment you will be draped at all times with the exception on the body part that is being treated. Once you are comfortable on the treatment table, your practitioner will commence your massage. Please advise your practitioner, if the pressure is inappropriate or if you are feeling uncomfortable, as communication is the key to ensuring you get the most effective treatment and outcome. Your practitioner will continue to check with you throughout your treatment. We encourage you to ask questions at any time.
  3. Your Health Plan
    It is important to recognise, in many cases one massage treatment may not be enough to fully resolve your issue. On completion of your session, your practitioner may discuss an individual treatment plan ensuring an effective treatment for your specific condition. This enables a long term sustainable outcome.  Life styles changes, stretches, exercises and health tips may be recommended as part of your treatment plan. All decisions about further treatment and lifestyle changes are entirely up to you.



Your massage session, can assist in a wide range of conditions including:

  • Musculoskeletal
    Lower back pain, muscular tension, joint pain, headaches, knee pain, elbow pain, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, neck pain, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, muscle pain, repetitive stress injuries, sporting injuries, inflammation, shoulder pain, muscular strain, stress, acute or chronic conditions, sporting injuries, muscular injuries, sciatic
  • Emotional
    Anxiety, stress, depression, poor sleep, insomnia, headaches, panic attacks
  • General
    Fatigue, poor sleep, insomnia, migraine, joint conditions, arthritis, poor circulation, edema, lymphedema, degeneration
  • Neurological
    Headaches, migraine, MS, Parkinson’s, numbness and tingling
  • Cardiovascular
    Stroke, circulatory problems, edema


Your problem not here?

Not everything we work with is on the above list. Contact us to talk it through.



Ear Candling may help treat excess ear wax, allergies, sinus congestion and headaches. It is a non-intrusive, thermal–auricular therapy for the ears and head. Sessions are approximately 45-60mins. We only use specially designed practitioner only Australian handcrafted candles approved by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association). The candles are hollow and made out of muslin covered in beeswax and infused with Young Living Essential Oils.



  1. Consultation
    During the initial consult a health questionnaire will be completed regarding your presenting condition. You must advise your therapist if you have had recent ear surgery, cysts in the ear/s, grommets, tumour of the ear, burst ear drum, congenital hearing loss or ear infection. Your therapist will explain the procedure to you; show you the candles that will be used. Feel free to ask any questions at any time.
  2. Candling
    There is no need to remove any clothing; your therapist will instruct you to lie on your side on the treatment table. Once you are comfortable your therapist will insert the tapered cone and candle into your ear and light the opposite end. As the candle burns a gentle vacuum is created, helping to draw excessive wax and mucus form the ear. Your therapist will trim and tap the candle to clear any build of wax and impurities. You may experience crackling, small amount of popping and warmth. It’s a very relaxing experience some clients even all asleep. At any time if you experience any discomfort please advise your therapist straight away. Your therapist will remain with you during the treatment session.
  3. After Candling
    At the end of your therapy your therapist will show you the results. After your session, you will feel very relaxed. With your permission your therapist will apply a few drops of hypericum and lavender oil onto a cotton bud and gently wipe around your ear, to help any itching that may occur due to the toxins being cleared.


What happens afterwards?

Most clients notice the benefit straightaway however depending on your presenting condition it may take a few days. You may notice lightness in your head, reduced congestion; noises may appear louder, blocking, unblocking sensation and possibly a headache. You may also notice some residual ear wax for up seven days after your treatment. If you are unsure about anything after your treatment please do not hesitate to contact us.

Depending on your presenting condition you may need a follow up treatment, however we don’t advise another ear candling for at least seven days to give your ears time to settle.