Elbow Pain – Heidelberg


Elbow Pain – Heidelberg

What exactly is tennis elbow and golfers elbow?

Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and Golfers Elbow (medial epicondylitis)

You don't need to be an athlete to suffer epicondylitis, commonly referred to as tennis elbow and golfers elbow. Epicondylitis is due to inflammation of the tendons a combination of chronic exhaustion and irritation in the muscles and tendons that attach to the elbow. Both tend to develop from overuse and or repetitive movements impacting on the tendons and muscles surrounding the elbow and forearm causing pain in the inner or outer part of the elbow.

What are the causes of tennis elbow and golfers elbow?

Tennis elbow or golfers elbow (epicondylitis) is caused by repeated contraction of the forearm causing strain or irritation resulting in tiny tears in the tendon that attaches the elbow to the wrist. Some activities that commonly cause this condition are:


  • ·         Playing racket sports – including golf and cricket.

  • ·         Poor technique

  • ·         Throwing sports – including archery and javelin

  • ·         Weight training – lifting weights using improper technique, that can overload the elbow muscles and tendons

  • ·         Weak forearm muscle strength or tight muscles

  • ·         Repetitive occupational movements – Data entry, plumbers, carpenters and painters

  • ·         Cutting up cooking ingredients

  • ·         Using shears while gardening

  • ·          Other activities that involve repeatedly bending the elbow –  playing the violin

  • ·         Excessive gripping or wringing activities


What are the symptoms of tennis elbow and golfers elbow?

Tennis Elbow:
Pain may radiate from the outside of the elbow to the forearm and or wrist and can range from mild discomfort to severe constant pain
Constant ache in the elbow, may be slightly swollen and tender to touch

There may be weakness and stiffness in the elbow and hand
Pain can be worse when performing activities involving grasping, reaching or lifting

Golfers Elbow:
Pain may radiate from on the inside of the elbow and can range from mild discomfort to severe constant pain
Constant ache in the elbow, may be slightly swollen and tender to touch

There may be weakness and stiffness in the elbow and hand
Pain can be worse when performing activities involving twisting of the forearm or making a fist

How is Tennis and Golfers elbow diagnosed?

In most cases it is clinically diagnosed through a physical examine which includes a thorough examination your elbow, shoulder, arm and neck, as in some cases the pain in the elbow maybe referred from your neck (cervical spine), palpating, checking for pain, stiffness and swelling including taking your arm, elbow, fingers and neck through a range of movement.

In some instances further tests may be required such as ultra sound or MRI to rule out any other issues like fractures and arthritis

What is the treatment?

  • ·         Rest is the best option or at least avoid the activity that is continuing to cause irritation if that is not possible try to modify the movement that exacerbates the pain/discomfort

  • ·         Ice in first 24hrs – 15/20 mins at a time

  • ·         Over the counter anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin

  • ·         Try changing your sporting equipment or technique

  • ·         Make some changes to your computer work station – Have a work place assessment to help reduce risks of repetitive strain

  • ·         Compression bandage

  • ·         Gentle daily stretching

  • ·         Castor oil poultice

  • ·         In some cases a splint or brace depending on the severity

  • ·         Steroid injection

  • ·         Acupuncture

  • ·         Pulsed ultra sound to help with scar tissue, promote healing and increase blood flow

  • ·         Physical therapy once pain and swelling has decreased

  • ·         Massage therapy


How can Healing Harmony Wellness Centre help?

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine has been used China for over a thousand years to treat pain and inflammation. In recent studies (1)they have been able to isolate the signaling pathways by which this occurs. Reducing the pro inflammatory pathways of cytokines, Cox 2 inhibition and antimicrobial effect


(2)Acupuncture can help reduce systemic inflammation and help reduce pain. A recent systematic review (3) of randomised controlled trials of acupuncture and moxibustion for lateral elbow pain indicated a potential positive effect in the treatment of lateral elbow pain. (4)Recent random control trial was conducted on ninety athletes at Science and Experiment center of Guangzho of physical education. The researchers determined that acupuncture and TCM massage are safe and effective treatment of lateral epicondylitis in reducing pain and improving functioning of the arm associated with chronic later epicondylitis.

 Tennis and or Golfers elbow is a self-limiting condition which means it will eventually get better on its own, for most people it can  be an annoyance for a while, however it can last several weak or months as  tendons heal slowly.

The key to effective treatment is to talk to your health care professional/s about your options which will help you decided the best treatment plan for you.


For more information about acupuncture for pain relief and additional pain management strategies feel free to contact us or to make an appointment book online . We are here to help In any way we can.


1 Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Effects of Heat-Clearing Chinese Herbs: A Current ReviewRekik A. Muluye, Yuhong Bian, and Paulos N. Alemu https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4003708/

2 https://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1714-acupuncture-anti-inflammatory-marker-found

3 Acupuncture and moxibustion for lateral elbow pain: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Gadau M, Yeung WF, Liu H, Zaslawski C, Tan YS, Wang FC, Bangrazi S, Chung KF, Bian ZX, Zhang SP1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24726029

4 https://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1329-acupuncture-proven-to-heal-tennis-elbow


