How Acupuncture can help with Menopausal Weight Gain

How Acupuncture can help with Menopausal Weight Gain

Menopause and weight gain

Menopause follows when ovulation no longer occurs and the production of estrogen and progesterone ceases. Essentially it means eggs are no longer being produced.

Weight gain during menopause is a common complaint. A small amount weight gain is natural in menopause due to the decline in the production of estrogen (1) Estrogen helps to regulate your metabolism and your body weight.  Fat distribution tends to change and fat is deposited around your stomach. Stomach fat is not just made up of subcutaneous fat also includes visceral fat which is fat found at a deeper level surrounding our internal organs. Visceral fat is linked to increased health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Menopause is not always the culprit for weight gain; you need to look at what you are actually eating, always easy to point the finger and have an excuse.

As we age, some but not all of us are less physical, our metabolism slows down impacting on lean body muscle and impact to burn up calories influence on weight gain.

Other factors to consider are family history, medications, general health, environmental factors, and changes in life style and sleep deprivation.

While weight gain in menopause is a common complaint, it doesn’t mean it is a given. If you are close to or at your ideal weight when are approaching menopause you have a much better chance of maintaining your weight.

If you need to make some changes to your life style consider the following:

Focus on fresh non processed foods with nutritious calories – Fresh fruit, whole grains, vegetables, nuts legumes and unsaturated fats

  •      Protein to help your bones and muscle

  •      Reduce foods with high sugar content

  •      Drink plenty of water

  •     Move – Regular exercise aids your digestive system, maintains muscle mass, hot flushes and mood swings. You can incorporate weight bearing and resistance training to help heart health and prevent osteoporosis. Find a physical activity you enjoy as it will be easier to sustain, remember you don’t need to become a body builder to achieve results (2)

  •    Sleep – Sleep deprivation leads to fatigue, lack of motivation, reducing your metabolic rate

  • Stress- Cortisol is the regulator hormone. (3) Cortisol helps to maintain glucose levels and stop blood sugar from dropping too low and fuels your body and brain. When your body is under chronic stress, stress causes high levels of cortisol causing imbalance triggering the release of too much glucose. When glucose is not consumed for energy, it is stored as fat predominantly around your stomach as most of the cortisol receptors are located in your stomach fat cells. Exercise, sleep, yoga and deep breathing can help reduced stress levels.

Menopause can be challenging, navigating around hormonal changes, aging, sleep deprivation, mood swings, weight gain and the possibility of increased health issues.

 Empower yourself to help navigate through your physical and emotional changes. You can’t change your life overnight, change takes time, it starts when you decide to change. One step at a time

If you’re struggling, you can always reach out for help.

Chinese medicine can provide an alternative way at looking at your weight gain and any other symptoms associated with Peri menopause and/or Menopause. We look at the whole picture, allowing us to put together and individual treatment plan to suit you. This may include acupuncture and/or herbs, lifestyle changes and exercises to help improve your digestive system for example. However, you decide the final plan of action. At Healing Harmony, we respect that it is your body, your health your decision.

While acupuncture may help with your menopausal weight gain, remember one thing. Results are not instantaneous.


During the initial consult, normally 90mins, a full health history will be taken, we talk through your digestive and weight issues and identify what is concerning you, Subsequent sessions: 45-60 mins depending on your presenting condition. On average you should expect to see results after about five treatments. Your practitioner will also check your tongue and pulse, which provides further valuable information. This information helps to determine an appropriate treatment plan for you. We will discuss with you what we observe to give you a greater understanding of your condition.

After discussion takes place, depending on the area that requires treating you may need to remove some clothing, and if you do, your practitioner will leave the room ensuring your privacy and explain how to drape yourself with a towel. In many cases you will not need to remove any clothing, as the acupuncture technique involves inserting needles into the legs or arms. Once you are comfortable on the treatment table, your practitioner will ask your permission to start your acupuncture treatment. Treatment will consist of insertion of acupuncture needles at specific points along the body to help target your main complaint. Your practitioner will continue to check in with while inserting the needles, feel free to ask questions at any time, as communication is the key. Once the needles are in the practitioner will leave the room, allowing you to relax for about 30 to 45 mins. Your practitioner is always available if you require any assistance at any time.

 Your Health Plan
After your therapy, your practitioner will discuss an individual treatment plan to treat your specific condition ensuring the best outcome. Herbal medicine, lifestyle changes and exercises/stretches maybe be recommended as part of your treatment plan. However, you decide the final plan of action. At Healing Harmony, we respect that it is your body, your health

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