Lack Of Motivation - You are not alone!

How Acupuncture can help with Lack of motivation

Lack Of Motivation

You are not alone!

Everyone at some point experiences lack of motivation, more so at the moment due to Covid 19 lock -downs. Who would have thought 24 months on we would still be dealing with Covid 19 lock-downs, combating restrictions and the ongoing uncertainty? We are constantly surrounded by uncertainty and feel like our lives are passing us by, unable to make plans for the future. Planning gives us motivation and incentive, without planning we lose motivation, desire and drive.

It is natural to feel less motivated physically and mentally in chaotic times with the constant disruption and distraction to our routines.

Our brain responds to stress (1). Part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex process critical thinking, helps us to focus and inhibits impulses. When we are under stress for periods of time, it can impact on our ability to focus and our motivation.

Motivation is important as it can help us work towards goals, it’s the why behind our actions, gives us direction, improves our lives, and keeps us on track, when we are motivated, we can help others.

(2) Remember you have the power to make a change even when things feel out of control. The key is to find what works for you; we all have different goals. Remind yourself that your drive is still there, you may need to dig a bit deeper to master your motivation and find your drive. Always be kind to yourself.

Ways to keep on track:

 As Mark Twain once said “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”

  • Keep it simple, chunk it down, you can’t do everything at once. One step at a time

  • Be kind to yourself and don’t beat yourself up, you deserve your own kindness

  • Remind yourself of the why?

  • Build structure and create a routine, keep it constant, routines help reduce our stress levels. Don’t forget to add some fun things in too

  • Plan ahead for problems before they occur, if you come up against a problem, take a break, go for a walk dance to your favorite song to clear your head

  • Be careful of your self-talk (4) Try to be positive as it helps with self esteem

  • Practice gratitude for what you already have

  • Start a journal, you can always use audio if writing isn’t your thing


In life nothing is perfect, make it count the best wa way you can. It comes down to what matters to you. One step at a time


How can we help

We look at the whole picture, which helps to address any underlying causes contributing to your symptoms. This allows us to put together an individual treatment plan to treat your specific condition, ensuring the best outcome for you to help achieve long term results.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at specific points on your body to help target your main complaint.  It is a key aspect of Chinese medicine; acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain but can be also used to effectively treat a wide range of health conditions and symptoms.

(5) Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and is a proven method of treating physical, mental, and emotional conditions. In essence Acupuncture needles are thought to stimulate your central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may help facilitate your body's natural healing abilities and encourage physical and emotional well-being.


While acupuncture may help with your health issues, remember one thing. Results are not instantaneous. On average you should expect to see results after about five treatments

During the initial consult, normally 90mins, a full health history will be taken (subsequent sessions: 45-60 mins depending on the presenting condition). Your practitioner will also check your tongue and pulse, which provides further valuable information. This information helps to determine an appropriate treatment plan for you. We will discuss with you what we observe to give you a greater understanding of your condition.


After discussion takes place, depending on the area that requires treating you may need to remove some clothing, and if you do, your practitioner will leave the room ensuring your privacy and explain how to drape yourself with a towel. In many cases you will not need to remove any clothing, as the acupuncture technique involves inserting needles into the legs or arms. Once you are comfortable on the treatment table, your practitioner will ask your permission to start your acupuncture treatment. Treatment will consist of insertion of acupuncture needles at specific points along the body to help target your main complaint. Your practitioner will continue to check in with while inserting the needles, feel free to ask questions at any time, as communication is the key. Once the needles are in the practitioner will leave the room, allowing you to relax for about 30 to 45 mins. Your practitioner is always available if you require any assistance at any time.


Your Health Plan
After your therapy, your practitioner will discuss an individual treatment plan to treat your specific condition ensuring the best outcome. Herbal medicine, lifestyle changes and exercises/stretches maybe be recommended as part of your treatment plan. However, you decide the final plan of action. At Healing Harmony, we respect that it is your body, your health and your decision


 It is important that you take proper care of yourself so that you can ultimately feel good mentally, physically and emotionally.

Let us help you regain your health and get your life back on track.


Book an appointment today Book Now



Written by

Dr Jacqueline Blyth ([Registered] Acupuncturist and Herbal Medicine Practitioner)





